The Tuned In Academy

Did you know that TIA is the only local club in the area for the National federation of Music Clubs, The largest non-profit organization in America promoting and supporting American music performers and music education. Festival is a blast! Our annual adjudication event, open to non-TIA students in the area studying music elsewhere, and there are many other opportunities as well including serious cash incentives and scholarships for TIA students through NFMC. The deadline has already past this year, but contact us now about March 2021!

The NFMC Festivals Program is designed to give Junior (age 18 and younger) and Adult member musicians of all abilities the opportunity to present and receive a yearly evaluation in a non-competitive environment. Participation in NFMC Festivals promotes music study, stimulates interest in the musical literature of both the USA and the world, and encourages each participant to reach a high standard of musical achievement. The NFMC Festivals Cup Award Plan and Honor Certificates offer additional incentives to encourage continued participation in NFMC Festivals.

Meet the Adjudicators:

Jessica Barnes has worked with both children and adults in developing their ability to sing. She taught for several years at the elementary and high school levels, working with students on music theory basics, early instrumental skills, both in percussion and melodic instruments, and of course in vocal work as well.

Jessica is passionate about music and loves to share her joy and expertise with her students. Teaching the vocalist as a whole is truly important to her. Jessica taught or TIA and did excellent work, now she is primarily giving her time to raising her children but looks forward to adjudicating Festival again this year as she did last year. Jessica holds a Bachelor of Music specializing in education and majoring in voice, from Longwood University. Welcome back Jessica!


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Josh DiStefano is also a seasoned, educated, and experienced musician with a twenty year plus career as a pianist, soloist, and bandleader in the United States Army bands. In addition to his military service, Josh holds an undergraduate degree from Berklee College of Music (where SD and Jenna studied) and a Master of Music in Jazz Studies from Rowan University. Josh will be adjudicating all our piano students and providing important feedback to help our fine students continue to grow and make a difference. We are excited about having Josh in the studio!





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Rob Comer is an educated and seasoned musician with over twenty years of experience as a guitarist, soloist, and band leader in the nation’s premier United States Army Band. Rob holds undergraduate and Master’s degrees and taught for TIA in our beginning stages. We were honored to have him adjudicate instrumentalists last year and we look forward to having him back this year! This year Rob will be adjudicating and providing helpful, encouraging, and constructive feedback to our guitarists, strings, percussion, and wind students.

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“Sean-David is an excellent and patient piano teacher. He makes every lesson a fun and adventurous when it…

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