Become a TIA Sponsor
Do you love music? Do you own a business or want to make significant impact in this community? Partner with us! We are always looking for sponsors, and you can make a significant impact on the lives of multiple individuals or families as a TIA sponsor. Either at the solo or symphony level, your spare change can help bring highly relational, conservatory quality music lessons to those who otherwise would never be able to afford it through our financial need-based scholarship program. The Tuned In Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit academy and we are here to serve, but with your support we can do so much more!
We live in a world where so many people are hurting or needing help that music therapy can soothe. But sadly, music therapy is not yet covered by most insurance providers in Washington. Your sponsorship or donation of any amount can help us bring personalized help through the healing power of music by a board-certified and licensed music therapist to those struggling with anxiety, depression, addictions, and PTSD.
Sponsorships at TIA help keep the music going! As a 501(c)3 non-profit, we do everything we can to keep our overhead low, our tuition affordable, and our services accessible to all. Sponsorships underwrite scholarships for private lessons, spots in group classes, and individual music therapy for those that otherwise could not afford it. This may include children, adults, veterans, and senior citizens.
Concerto, Sonata, and Symphony sponsors may be given the opportunity to select which scholarships they wish to help underwrite. These sponsors will be listed on scholarship award letters, website, social media pages, signage, and programs at award receptions, etc.
Annual Sponsorship Levels:
Solo Sponsors: $100—a listing of name/business/organization name on the website
Etude Sponsors: $250—a listing of name/business/organization on the website
Overture Sponsors: $500—a listing of name/ business/organization on the website, social media pages, programs, and award receptions.
Concerto Sponsors: $1000—small logo of business or organization on the website, social media pages, programs, and award receptions.
Sonata Sponsors: $2500—medium size logo of business or organization on the website, social media pages, programs, and award receptions.
Symphony Sponsors: $5000—large/half page logo of business or organization on the website, social media pages, programs, and award receptions.