The Tuned In Academy

Current Students

Find information and forms you need like contact info for our admin, forms for change of enrollment, etc., all right here in one place.

2022 was a great year at TIA and we look forward to 2023! Here’s some key dates for 2023:

Winter Semester: January 3rd through March 31st
Festival: Saturday March 25th
Spring Break (No Classes, Lessons, or Music Therapy): April 3rd through 9th
Festival on Stage: Saturday April 15th
Spring Presentation: Saturday June 17th
Spring Presentation: Thursday June 22nd (evening)
Spring Semester: April 10th through June 27th
TIA Gala: May 20th
End of Year Break (No Classes, Lessons, or Music Therapy): June 28th through July 4th

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What Others Say...

“Sean-David is an excellent and patient piano teacher. He makes every lesson a fun and adventurous when it…

– Parent of KAB Kids Students
